In companies with a lot of employees or customers, the help desk is usually confronted with a large number of support requests. In order for these to be processed internally by the correct department, inquiries must be allocated centrally, quickly and in a targeted manner to the appropriate departments. In addition to shortening the processing time, automated support ticket classification can drastically reduce the associated staff costs.
A large amount of support requests
The number of IT support requests for medium to large companies can quickly reach the tens of thousands annually. If support tickets are assigned manually, this costs valuable time. Machine learning can be a valuable technology to automatically identify the subject of support requests. Support requests can be automatically forwarded to the right team or even answered automatically. This can help process requests faster and more efficiently, and help the support team focus on resolving urgent issues.
Topical pre-sorting of support requests
Language models based on artificial intelligence, such as GPT-3 or BERT, are already very good at automatically recognizing content. Depending on how granular the topic detection of a support ticket is required to be, less computationally intensive algorithms are often sufficient. Depending on your needs, historical support requests are first collected, categorized, and checked for overlap to train a machine learning model. Based on these models, the topics of new inquiries are then automatically recorded and classified in order to forward them to the responsible team in a directly downstream process. Our customer's support team was thus "released" and is now able to dedicate itself much earlier to actually solving the support requests. This relieves the support team and at the same time creates happier customers.
In which ways could cognify support this project?
How Our customers benefitted
By using our ticket classifier, support requests are automatically forwarded to the right team, eliminating the tedious task of pre-screening requests. In this way, the company can answer support requests more quickly and thus generate more satisfied customers in the long term.